Project Description

This project for the economic recovery of internally displaced women (IDPs) and guests of Sanmatenga will strengthen the capacities of 160 women who will be able to transform néré into soumbala, make koko donda loincloths, make pearl objects and make soap; It will cover the needs of IDP women and guests in pearl, soumbala, koko dondo and soap-based products. In detail, ASPF through this project will implement the following activities:

Training of 40 women in beadwork to undertake individually or in a cooperative of production and marketing of objects made from beads; Training of 40 women in the production of soap and liquid detergent to form in groups of 8 women, 5 micro-enterprises of production and marketing of soap and detergent products; Training of 40 women in the transformation of néré seeds (Parkia biglobosa) into soumbala (a highly prized local spice). They will then form 5 groups of 8 women to receive a start-up kit to create 5 micro-enterprises of production and marketing of soumbala; Training of 40 women in dyeing koko donda loincloths. They will then form 5 groups of 8 women to receive a start-up kit to create 5 micro-enterprises of production and marketing of koko donda loincloths.

Project to support the economic recovery of Internally Displaced Women and Hosts in the Province of Zondoma

Northern Region Municipalities of Gourcy, Niésseag, Kanda-Kanda, Burkina Faso
AGR sector: Crafts


  • 12.890 

    Funding Goal
  • 1.350 

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is € Maximum amount is € Put a valid number


1 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

1er Palier: 9 730 Euros

With this amount, we will be able to cover the needs in community meals (coffee break) of 160 IDPs during the various capacity building sessions.

2eme palier : avec 1 520 Euros de plus,

We will cover the support of the coordinator and the monitoring and evaluation officer;

3eme palier: 1 640 Euros de plus 

will be used for the purchase of materials (blouses, néré seed, fabrics, beads, red oil, part of the support for the field facilitator, etc.) will be covered

Campaign Story

we will finance the governance of the structure in terms of expenditure on water, electricity, fuel, telephone, consumables and part of the payment of the field facilitator.

Name Donate Amount Date
Initial Amount 1.350  September 11, 2024

In the current context of Burkina Faso marked by enormous economic challenges, coupled with a security and humanitarian crisis, it is imperative to develop innovative and endogenous (local) initiatives with a view to finding suitable sustainable solutions to improve the living conditions of internally displaced and host populations, victims of this still deplorable situation. In the Centre-North, more than 9340 women IDPs are very vulnerable because they fled their homes without being able to take anything with them. Thus, being able to have a single meal a day has become difficult. This is one of the fundamental reasons for creating a framework for the development of these people who are victims of conflict. From there, Income Generating Activities (IGAs) are local initiatives aimed at creating economic opportunities for people and host communities, allowing them to become financially independent and to adequately meet their needs. It is in these perspectives that Association Protection Without Borders (APSF) in partnership with the NGO Skills4Aid are implementing a project called "Project to support the economic recovery of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Guests of the province of Zondoma Northern region, Burkina Faso”. It will help directly meet the needs of 160 IDP women and more than 900 indirect beneficiaries.

160 Internally Displaced Women and Hosts

The main objective of the project is to increase the income of women (IDPs and host communities) and improve their quality of life.

The specific objectives of the project are:

– Train beneficiaries in specific skills that are in demand on the market; – Provide for the needs of women and girls in loincloths, spices, soaps and decorative objects;

– Provide resources and support for starting economic activities;

– Facilitate market access for products and services created by beneficiaries;

– Encourage entrepreneurship and local innovation;

– Perpetuate these AGRs.

This will specifically involve training IDP and host women and girls in the conduct of an income-generating activity and equipping them in groups of 5 to 8 women to undertake a micro-production enterprise (in beading; soumbala, saponification, koko donda, etc.); with a view to strengthening their economic resilience.

  • Agricultural equipment and products
  • Computer hardware